What is Kathleen Gati's full name?

Kathleen Gati

Kathleen Gati date of birth:

August 13, 1957

How old is Kathleen Gati?


Where was Kathleen Gati born?


How tall is Kathleen Gati?

5' 6" (168 cm)

How much does Kathleen Gati weigh?

145 lbs (65.8 kg)

Kathleen Gati body shape:


What color are Kathleen Gati's eyes?


What color is Kathleen Gati's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Kathleen Gati gay or straight?


What is Kathleen Gati's ethnicity?


What is Kathleen Gati nationality?


Where did Kathleen Gati go to university?

University of Washington: Arts and Languages , University of Windsor: Dramatic Arts; Viola Spolin Technique

What is Kathleen Gati's occupation?

Actress, Producer, Voice Artist

Kathleen Gati claim to fame:

Liesl Obrecht on the ABC daytime soap opera General Hospital

Kathleen Gati agent:

Media Artists Group (LA)

Short Biography

Kathleen Gati (born 13 August 1957) is an American-Canadian actress, best known for role as Liesl Obrecht on the ABC daytime soap opera General Hospital.