What is Kay Sage's full name?

Katherine Linn Sage

Kay Sage date of birth:

June 25, 1898

How old was Kay Sage when died?


Where was Kay Sage born?

Albany, New York, USA

When did Kay Sage die?

January 8, 1963

Where did Kay Sage die?

Woodbury, Connecticut, USA

Why did Kay Sage die?

Suicide by gunshot

What is Kay Sage nationality?


What is Kay Sage's occupation?

Artist, poet

Short Biography

Katherine Linn Sage (June 25, 1898 – January 8, 1963), usually known as Kay Sage, was an American Surrealist artist and poet. She was active between 1936-1963. A member of the Golden Age and Post-War periods of surrealism, she is mostly recognized for her artistic works, which typically contain themes of an architectural nature.