What is Kazuhito Tadano's full name?

Kazuhito Tadano

Kazuhito Tadano date of birth:

April 25, 1980

How old is Kazuhito Tadano?


Where was Kazuhito Tadano born?

Tokyo, Japan

How tall is Kazuhito Tadano?

6' (183 cm)

How much does Kazuhito Tadano weigh?

180 lbs (81.6 kg)

Kazuhito Tadano body shape:


What color are Kazuhito Tadano's eyes?


What color is Kazuhito Tadano's hair?


What is Kazuhito Tadano's ethnicity?


What is Kazuhito Tadano nationality?


What is Kazuhito Tadano's occupation?

Former Major League Baseball Player

Short Biography

Kazuhito Tadano (多田野 数人, Tadano Kazuhito, born April 25, 1980 in Tokyo, Japan) is a right-handed pitcher and coach for the Ishikawa Million Stars in Japan's Baseball Challenge League. He had previously pitched in Major League Baseball for the Cleveland Indians.