What is Kenny Richards's full name?

Kenneth Preston

Kenny Richards date of birth:

September 22, 1971

How old is Kenny Richards?


Where was Kenny Richards born?

Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England

Kenny Richards body shape:


What color are Kenny Richards's eyes?


What color is Kenny Richards's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Kenny Richards gay or straight?


What is Kenny Richards's ethnicity?


What is Kenny Richards nationality?


What is Kenny Richards's occupation?

Actor And Producer

Kenny Richards claim to fame:

Humber City: The Rising Tide and You're Fired!!

Short Biography

Kenny Richards-Preston was born on September 22, 1971 in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England as Kenneth Preston. He is an actor and producer, known for Bad Blood (2007), Humber City: The Rising Tide and You're Fired!! (2006). He has been married to Amanda Preston since August 6, 1991. They have three children.