What is Kent Smith's full name?
Frank Kent Smith
Kent Smith date of birth:
March 19, 1907
How old was Kent Smith when died?
Where was Kent Smith born?
New York City, New York, USA
When did Kent Smith die?
April 23, 1985
Where did Kent Smith die?
Woodland Hills, California, USA
Why did Kent Smith die?
Congestive Heart Failure
How tall is Kent Smith?
6' 1" (185 cm)
Kent Smith body shape:
What color is Kent Smith's hair?
Is Kent Smith gay or straight?
What is Kent Smith's ethnicity?
What is Kent Smith nationality?
What is Kent Smith's occupation?
Kent Smith claim to fame:
The Spiral Staircase
Kent Smith friends:
Margaret Sullavan
Short Biography
Kent Smith (March 19, 1907 – April 23, 1985) was an American actor who had a lengthy career in film, theatre and television.