What is Keren Woodward's full name?
Keren Jane Woodward
Keren Woodward date of birth:
April 2, 1961
How old is Keren Woodward?
Where was Keren Woodward born?
Bristol, UK
Keren Woodward body shape:
What color are Keren Woodward's eyes?
What color is Keren Woodward's hair?
Brown - Dark
Keren Woodward distinctive features:
Shoulder length brown hair, pretty eyes, delicate facial features
Is Keren Woodward gay or straight?
What is Keren Woodward's ethnicity?
What is Keren Woodward nationality?
Where did Keren Woodward go to school?
St. George`s School for Girls
What is Keren Woodward's occupation?
Singer, Songwriter
Keren Woodward claim to fame:
80's girl group Bananarama
What genre is Keren Woodward's work?
Pop, new wave
Who has Keren Woodward worked with?
Sara Dallin (best friend), Siobhan Fahey
Short Biography
Keren Jane Woodward (born 2 April 1961, Bristol, England) is an English pop singer and songwriter of British girl group Bananarama, co-founded by her school friend Sara Dallin and Irish musician Siobhan Fahey.