What is Kevin Pereira's full name?

Kevin Elder Pereira

Kevin Pereira nickname(s):

The Mayor of G4, El Nerdo Loco, Big P, The Lurker, Captain Immy, K-Pereira, Kp

Kevin Pereira date of birth:

December 28, 1982

How old is Kevin Pereira?


Where was Kevin Pereira born?

Antioch, California

How tall is Kevin Pereira?

5' 10" (178 cm)

Kevin Pereira body shape:


What color are Kevin Pereira's eyes?

Brown - Light

What color is Kevin Pereira's hair?

Brown - Light

Is Kevin Pereira gay or straight?


What is Kevin Pereira's ethnicity?


What is Kevin Pereira nationality?


Where did Kevin Pereira go to school?

Deer Valley High School, Antioch, California

What is Kevin Pereira's occupation?

Television personality

Kevin Pereira claim to fame:

Co-Host of Attack of the Show!

Kevin Pereira friends:

Chris Hardwick

Short Biography

Kevin Pereira (born December 28, 1982) is an American game show host and TV personality.