What is Kevin Ritz's middle name?


What is Kevin Ritz's full name?

Kevin D Ritz

Kevin Ritz date of birth:

June 8, 1965

How old is Kevin Ritz?


Where was Kevin Ritz born?

Eatontown, NJ

How tall is Kevin Ritz?

6' 4" (193 cm)

How much does Kevin Ritz weigh?

195 lbs (88.5 kg)

What is Kevin Ritz nationality?


Where did Kevin Ritz go to university?

William Penn University

What is Kevin Ritz's occupation?

Former Major League Baseball Player

Short Biography

Kevin D. Ritz (born June 8, 1965) is a former Major League Baseball right-handed pitcher. Ritz grew up in Bloomfield, Iowa. He is an alumnus of William Penn University and Indian Hills Community College.