What is Kim Alexis's middle name?


What is Kim Alexis's full name?

Kim Marie Alexis

Kim Alexis date of birth:

July 15, 1960

How old is Kim Alexis?


Where was Kim Alexis born?

Lockport, New York, USA

How tall is Kim Alexis?

5' 9" (175 cm)

Kim Alexis body shape:


What color are Kim Alexis's eyes?


What color is Kim Alexis's hair?


Is Kim Alexis gay or straight?


What is Kim Alexis's ethnicity?


What is Kim Alexis nationality?


What is Kim Alexis's occupation?

Fashion/Runway Model, Actress

Kim Alexis claim to fame:


Kim Alexis agent:

Axiom Sports and Entertainment, Celebrity Talent International

Kim Alexis commercials and brand endorsements:

(1999) TV commercial: Monistat 1, TV infomercial: RapidWhite tooth whitening compound., (1996) Print ads: Ultima II ProCollagen Anti-aging Complex for Eyes., (2007) TV commercial: Projuva anti-aging, anti-wrinkle skin care products., (1982) TV commercial: Calvin Klein Activewear., (2006) Infomercial: Hosted by Debbie Siebers and Julie Moran, for Debbie's "Slim in 6" slim training program., (2009) Infomercial: Co-host, with Mike Potier, for the "Ab Flyer" fitness system. Also appearing are Shannon Miller and Christie Rampone.

Short Biography

Kim Alexis (born July 15, 1960) is an American model and actress.