Leland Hickman date of birth:

September 15, 1934

How old was Leland Hickman when died?


Where was Leland Hickman born?

Santa Barbara, California, USA

When did Leland Hickman die?

May 12, 1991

Where did Leland Hickman die?

Los Angeles, California, USA

Why did Leland Hickman die?

Aids (related complications)

Is Leland Hickman gay or straight?


What is Leland Hickman nationality?


Where did Leland Hickman go to university?

Santa Barbara College, now University of California, Santa Barbara

What is Leland Hickman's occupation?

Poet, editor, actor

Leland Hickman claim to fame:

Best known as the publisher and editor of the influential magazine Temblor (1985–1989)

Short Biography

Leland Hickman (September 15, 1934 – May 12, 1991) was an American poet, editor, actor, and literary magazine publisher. During his lifetime, Hickman was best known as the publisher and editor of the influential magazine Temblor which was noted for the publication of many east and west coast language-related poets. His editorial and publishing activities brought the work of many established and emerging poets into the public view. Hickman has steadily gained posthumous recognition and fame for his poetry.