What is Louis François, Baron Lejeune's middle name?
Louis François, Baron Lejeune date of birth:
February 3, 1775
How old was Louis François, Baron Lejeune when died?
Where was Louis François, Baron Lejeune born?
Strasbourg, France
When did Louis François, Baron Lejeune die?
February 29, 1848
Where did Louis François, Baron Lejeune die?
Toulouse, France
Louis François, Baron Lejeune body shape:
What color is Louis François, Baron Lejeune's hair?
Salt and Pepper
Is Louis François, Baron Lejeune gay or straight?
What is Louis François, Baron Lejeune's ethnicity?
What is Louis François, Baron Lejeune nationality?
What is Louis François, Baron Lejeune's occupation?
Military man
Short Biography
Louis-François, Baron Lejeune (3 February 1775, Strasbourg – 29 February 1848) was a French general, painter, and lithographer. His memoirs have frequently been republished and his name is engraved on the Arc de Triomphe.