What is Lynn Murphy's full name?

Lynn Murphy

Where was Lynn Murphy born?

Philadelphia, PA

Lynn Murphy body shape:


What color is Lynn Murphy's hair?


Is Lynn Murphy gay or straight?


What religion is Lynn Murphy?


What is Lynn Murphy's ethnicity?


What is Lynn Murphy nationality?


Where did Lynn Murphy go to university?

Temple University in Philadelphia

What is Lynn Murphy's occupation?

TV Host

Lynn Murphy claim to fame:

Host of Home Shopping Network

Short Biography

Lynn Murphy is from Philadelphia, but after 16 years in Florida, she can’t imagine living anywhere else. She attended Temple University in Philadelphia, coaching gymnastics while earning her degree in radio, television and film. After school Lynn moved to England for 6 months and traveled throughout Europe. A show host at HSN for more than 15 years, Lynn finally moved her whole family down from Philadelphia to live in Florida. If she wasn’t at HSN, Lynn would probably still teach gymnastics.