What is Marianne Edwards's full name?

Marianne Edwards

Marianne Edwards nickname(s):

Marianne Edwards

Marianne Edwards date of birth:

December 4, 1930

How old is Marianne Edwards?


Where was Marianne Edwards born?

Los Angeles, California USA

Marianne Edwards body shape:


Is Marianne Edwards gay or straight?


What is Marianne Edwards's ethnicity?


What is Marianne Edwards nationality?


What is Marianne Edwards's occupation?

Child Actor

Marianne Edwards claim to fame:

Our Gang

Short Biography

Marianne Edwards (December 9, 1930 - November 8, 2013) was a former child actress who appeared in the Our Gang film series from 1934 to 1936. She also appeared in several feature films in the 1930s, including Gold Diggers Of 1933, Babes In Toyland, Stand Up and Cheer!, and The Wizard Of Oz.