What is Mark Rademacher's full name?

Mark Rademacher

Mark Rademacher nickname(s):

Mark Rademacher

How tall is Mark Rademacher?

6' 2" (188 cm)

Mark Rademacher body shape:


What color is Mark Rademacher's hair?

Salt and Pepper

What is Mark Rademacher's ethnicity?


What is Mark Rademacher's occupation?


Mark Rademacher claim to fame:

The Five-Year Engagement

Short Biography

Mark Rademacher has lived and worked in the Detroit area most of his life. He is in the process of relocating to Atlanta, GA. He has appeared in numerous motion pictures and more than 50 regional theater productions, garnering numerous awards. He is also an accomplished artist. He is married to Mary Rademacher and the proud father of Kelli Rademacher Hector and Kathryn Kein, two formidable women in the academic and business world.

Tags: actor