What is Michelle Latimer's full name?

Michelle Latimer

Where was Michelle Latimer born?

Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

How tall is Michelle Latimer?

5' 6" (168 cm)

Michelle Latimer body shape:


What color are Michelle Latimer's eyes?


What color is Michelle Latimer's hair?

Brown - Dark

What is Michelle Latimer's ethnicity?


What is Michelle Latimer nationality?


Where did Michelle Latimer go to university?

Concordia University for a BFA in Theater Performance (1997), Royal Conservatory Voice Training; Lakehead University – Mary Whicher , Ryerson University – continuing education courses: Film & Sound Editing, Anatomy & Physiology

What is Michelle Latimer's occupation?

Actress, Writer, Producer, Founder of Streel Films

Michelle Latimer claim to fame:

Paradise Falls, Streel Films

Michelle Latimer agent:

Gary Goddard Agency

Short Biography

Michelle Latimer is a Canadian actress known mainly for her role as Trish Simpkin in the soap opera Paradise Falls, shown nationally in Canada on Showcase Television, starting in 2001.