Michelle Young date of birth:

June 30, 1965

How old is Michelle Young?


Is Michelle Young gay or straight?


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Michelle Young claim to fame:

Axl Rose wrote the song 'My Michelle' about her

Short Biography

Michelle was a friend of Slash`s first girlfriend, Melissa. She, Slash, and Steven grew up together. The photo of her and Slash was taken when they were both 14. He introduced her to Axl in 1985. "Slash went out with her when he was about 13 and then I went out with her later on." She quickly became a friend of the band. She is also supposedly the person who introduced Axl to heroin. "I know this girl named Michelle and she became a really good friend of the band and I was going out with her for a while. We got into a hassle or whatever and then I wrote this song. It`s a true story. Slash and some other members of the band said that`s kinda too heavy to say about poor, sweet Michelle; she`ll freak out. I`d written the nice sweet song about her, and then I looked at it and thought, `that really doesn`t touch any basis of reality`, so I put down an honest thing. It describes her life. This girl leads such a crazy life with doing drugs, or whatever she`s doing at the time, you don`t know if she`s gonna be there the next day. Every time I see Michelle I`m really relieved and glad. I showed her the lyrics after about three weeks of debating, and she was so happy that someone didn`t paint just a pretty picture. She loves it. It was a real song about her. Even her dad liked the fact that it was really accurate." "I`m the subject of the song `My Michelle`. I was driving Axl to a gig and `Your Song` by Elton John came on the radio. I said that I wished somebody would write a beautiful song about me. But, you know the song. At the time, I didn`t care because I was so f**ked up, but what it says is all true: My dad does distribute porno films and my mom did die. Axl used to stay over at my house a lot because he had nowhere else to go. After they got famous, there were better places to stay-and shopping. They would call and say, `I got this. I got that. I got a new car.` After GN`R Lies was released in 1988, Axl changed; he and I had a falling out. I was high one night and I pushed his buttons, saying, `You`re famous now and you don`t need your friends.` He said, `Get out of my face`. Erin would call me and say, `Axl`s crazy; he`s throwing things around`. She pushed his buttons, but I know that he loved her. Axl`s anger had quadrupled from the person I used to hang out with. He used to be very carefree." Michelle was the woman who walked pass Axl at the beginning of the Welcome to the Jungle video.