What is Monique Hurteau's full name?

Monique Hurteau

Monique Hurteau body shape:


What color are Monique Hurteau's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Monique Hurteau's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Monique Hurteau gay or straight?


What is Monique Hurteau's ethnicity?


What is Monique Hurteau nationality?


Where did Monique Hurteau go to university?

Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in Management Consulting – Royal Roads University, Organizational Consulting Project (OCP) Advisor for Graduate Learners in the Royal Roads University MBA Program

What is Monique Hurteau's occupation?

Film/TV Producer, Writer, Visual Artist, Comedian

Short Biography

Film/TV producer & writer, visual artist, comedian, mashed potatoes fan, pet parent 'n other stuff. I have a Master's in Business Administration (MBA). I am good at math but have a horrible sense of direction. I went to 11 different schools growing up. I want to get a hermit crab but my boyfriend keeps saying no. I might get one anyway. I just don't think he's spent enough time with them to understand their draw. I only had one wisdom tooth and I choose to think it's because I am more evolved. I'm a night owl. MBTI Type: ENT