What is Morgan Freeman's full name?

Morgan Porterfield Freeman Jr.

Morgan Freeman date of birth:

June 1, 1937

How old is Morgan Freeman?


Where was Morgan Freeman born?

Memphis, Tennessee, United States

How tall is Morgan Freeman?

6' 2" (188 cm)

Morgan Freeman body shape:


What color are Morgan Freeman's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Morgan Freeman's hair?


Is Morgan Freeman gay or straight?


What religion is Morgan Freeman?


What is Morgan Freeman's ethnicity?


What is Morgan Freeman nationality?


Where did Morgan Freeman go to university?

Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles, California, United States , New York University, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States

What is Morgan Freeman's occupation?

Actor, Producer, Film Director, Narrator

Morgan Freeman claim to fame:

Unforgiven, Invictus, Lucy

Morgan Freeman agent:

Revelations Entertainment, Celebrity Talent International

Morgan Freeman commercials and brand endorsements:

TV commercial for Save the Children's "Be a Mentor" program (1999), TV commercial for USA CORPS (2002), TV commercial for McDonald's (1974), Appeared in TV commercial for University of Mississippi at Oxford, Mississippi., TV commercial for St. Judes Children Hospital (2005), Voiceover TV commercial for Visa card for the 2008 Olympics., 2009: Voiceover TV commercial for "More people Go with Visa" (card), (2009) TV commercial for the 2010 Winter Olympics Visa credit card sponsor. (Canada), (2010) Prints ads for the Give Health a Hand PA campaign in conjunction with the AARP and the Entertainment Industry Foundation., (1973) TV commercial: Listerine mouthwash, Intel Consumer Electronics Show keynote, Las Vegas, NV (5-Jan-2006), (2012) TV commercial for "RebuildingTogether.org".

Who is Morgan Freeman's father?

Morgan Porterfield Freeman (A Barber Who Died Thursday April 27, 1961, From Cirrhosis.)

Who is Morgan Freeman's mother?

Mayme Edna (née Revere) (A Teacher.)

Short Biography

Morgan Freeman (born June 1, 1937) is an American actor, producer and narrator. Freeman won an Academy Award in 2005 for Best Supporting Actor with Million Dollar Baby (2004), and he has received Oscar nominations for his performances in Street Smart (1987), Driving Miss Daisy (1989), The Shawshank Redemption (1994) and Invictus (2009). He has also won a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award.