Nellee Hooper date of birth:


How old is Nellee Hooper?


Where was Nellee Hooper born?

Bristol, England

Nellee Hooper body shape:


What color is Nellee Hooper's hair?

Salt and Pepper

Is Nellee Hooper gay or straight?


What is Nellee Hooper's ethnicity?


What is Nellee Hooper nationality?


What is Nellee Hooper's occupation?

Music Producer/Composer

Nellee Hooper claim to fame:

Produced music for Bjork, Madonna, U2, No Doubt etc

What genre is Nellee Hooper's work?

Electronica, trip hop, rock, house

Nellee Hooper friends:

Dan MacMillan, Kate Moss, Sean Pertwee, Pamela Anderson, Lucas White

Who has Nellee Hooper worked with?


Short Biography

Nellee Hooper (born March 15, 1963) is a British producer/remixer/composer known for his work with many major recording artists beginning in the late 1980s. He also debuted as a motion picture music composer with famed Scottish composer Craig Armstrong and Marius De Vries for the soundtrack for Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet in 1996.