Where was Nurse Patsey born?

Haddonfield, Illinois

Is Nurse Patsey gay or straight?


What religion is Nurse Patsey?


What is Nurse Patsey's ethnicity?


What is Nurse Patsey nationality?


What is Nurse Patsey's occupation?


Short Biography

Patsey West was a children's nurse at Haddonfield Children's Clinic. She was very motherly towards all the children there and treated them as if they were her own. One of these children was Jamie Lloyd whom Patsey seemed the closest with. She would tried to soothe Jamie whenever she suffered a nightmare. On the night of Halloween eve, Patsey found Jamie having another one of her nightmares but this time it made her suffer a convulsion. Patsy called Dr. Hart for help and they tried to help Jamie but they were interrupped by Sam Loomis who told her that she was going to be okay. Patsey didn't want to risk anything so she briefly gave Jamie CPR till she recovered. The next day she had found Jamie in the basement crying and took her back to her room. She later walked into Loomis yelling at Jamie, since he knew that Jamie had a link to him, and asked him to leave her alone. Patsey took care of her afterwards and got her ready for the costume pageant. She witnessed Jamie going into another convulsion when she saw that Tina Williams was in danger. Once Tina had left, Patsey discovered that Jamie was now missing. Later in the night Michael Myers had came to the clinic and killed two people. One of which was one of the deputys but the other person was unknown.