What is Paul Hill's full name?

Paul Sean Hill

Paul Hill date of birth:

June 23, 1962

How old is Paul Hill?


Where was Paul Hill born?

Orlando, Florida

What is Paul Hill nationality?


Where did Paul Hill go to university?

BS and MS, Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M; University

What is Paul Hill's occupation?

Engineer, Director of Mission Operations at the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. He was formerly a Flight Director in the Mission Control Center for Space Shuttle and International Space Station missions under the call sign "Atlas"

Short Biography

Paul Sean Hill (born June 23, 1962) was the Director of Mission Operations at the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. He was formerly a Flight Director in the Mission Control Center for Space Shuttle and International Space Station missions under the call sign "Atlas".