Ramón Castilla date of birth:

August 31, 1797

How old was Ramón Castilla when died?


Where was Ramón Castilla born?


When did Ramón Castilla die?

May 30, 1867

Ramón Castilla body shape:


What color are Ramón Castilla's eyes?

Brown - Light

What color is Ramón Castilla's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Ramón Castilla gay or straight?


What is Ramón Castilla's ethnicity?


What is Ramón Castilla nationality?


Short Biography

Ramón Castilla y Marquesado (31 August 1797 – 25 May 1867) was a Peruvian caudillo and President of Peru four times. His earliest prominent appearance in Peruvian history began with his participation in a commanding role of the army of the Libertadores that helped Peru become an independent nation. Later, he led the country when the economy boomed due to the exploitation of guano deposits. Castilla's governments are remembered for having abolished slavery and modernized the state.