What is Rick Wrona's middle name?


What is Rick Wrona's full name?

Richard James Wrona

Rick Wrona date of birth:

December 10, 1963

How old is Rick Wrona?


Where was Rick Wrona born?

Tulsa, OK

How tall is Rick Wrona?

6' 1" (185 cm)

How much does Rick Wrona weigh?

185 lbs (83.9 kg)

What is Rick Wrona nationality?


Where did Rick Wrona go to school?

Bishop Kelly (Tulsa, OK)

Where did Rick Wrona go to university?

Wichita State University

What is Rick Wrona's occupation?

Former Major League Baseball Player

Short Biography

Richard James Wrona (born December 10, 1963) is a former professional baseball player. He played parts of six seasons in Major League Baseball, between 1988 and 1994, for the Chicago Cubs, Cincinnati Reds, Chicago White Sox, and Milwaukee Brewers, primarily as a catcher.