Roger Staffelbach date of birth:

February 19, 1972

How old is Roger Staffelbach?


Where was Roger Staffelbach born?

Sursee, Switzerland

Roger Staffelbach body shape:


What color are Roger Staffelbach's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Roger Staffelbach's hair?

Brown - Dark

What is Roger Staffelbach's ethnicity?


What is Roger Staffelbach's occupation?


Roger Staffelbach claim to fame:


Short Biography

Roger Staffelbach was born on February 19, 1972 in Sursee, Switzerland. At the age of 7 he started learning to play the trumpet, which he continued until he was 14. Having been a fan of rock from an early age, he then turned to guitar after hearing Yngwie Malmsteen's "Trilogy". A year later, he started playing in bands.