Terence Donovan date of birth:

September 14, 1936

How old was Terence Donovan when died?


Where was Terence Donovan born?

London, UK

When did Terence Donovan die?

November 22, 1996

Why did Terence Donovan die?

Suicide by hanging

Is Terence Donovan gay or straight?


What is Terence Donovan nationality?


What is Terence Donovan's occupation?

Photographer and film director

Terence Donovan claim to fame:

One of the "terrible trio" of famous British fashion photographers in the 60's

Terence Donovan family:

Terry Donovan (son), Dan Donovan (son), Daisy Donovan (daughter)

Who has Terence Donovan worked with?

David Bailey, Brian Duffy

Short Biography

Terence Daniel Donovan (14 September 1936 – 22 November 1996) was an English photographer and film director, best remembered for his fashion photography of the 1960s. A critically acclaimed book of his fashion work, Terence Donovan Fashion, was published by London publisher Art / Books in November 2012. He also directed many TV commercials and oversaw the music video to Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love" and "Simply Irresistible".