What is Vern Fuller's middle name?


What is Vern Fuller's full name?

Vernon Gordon Fuller

Vern Fuller date of birth:

March 1, 1944

How old is Vern Fuller?


Where was Vern Fuller born?

Menomonee, WI

How tall is Vern Fuller?

6' 1" (185 cm)

How much does Vern Fuller weigh?

170 lbs (77.1 kg)

What is Vern Fuller nationality?


Where did Vern Fuller go to school?

Canoga Park (Canoga Park, CA)

What is Vern Fuller's occupation?

Former Major League Baseball Player

Short Biography

Vernon Gordon Fuller (born March 1, 1944 in Menomonie, Wisconsin) is a retired American professional baseball player. The second baseman and third baseman appeared in 325 Major League games over six seasons for the Cleveland Indians in 1964 and from 1966–1970. He threw and batted right-handed, stood 6 feet 1 inch (1.85 m) tall and weighed 170 pounds (77 kg) as an active player.