Vladimir Denissenkov date of birth:

March 30, 1956

How old is Vladimir Denissenkov?


Where was Vladimir Denissenkov born?

Chernovtsy, Ukraine

Vladimir Denissenkov body shape:


What color is Vladimir Denissenkov's hair?

Brown - Light

Is Vladimir Denissenkov gay or straight?


What is Vladimir Denissenkov's ethnicity?


What is Vladimir Denissenkov nationality?


What is Vladimir Denissenkov's occupation?

Musician, composer

What genre is Vladimir Denissenkov's work?

Russian folk, Classical

What instruments does Vladimir Denissenkov play?


Short Biography

Vladimir Denissenkov was born in Chernovtsy (former USSR, now Ukraine) on March 30, 1956. He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1979. He won with the nomination of best accordionist in a world competition of ethnic and traditional music held in 1981 in Caracas, Venezuela. From 1981 to 1990 he performed with the Moscow Philharmonic.