Westbrook Pegler date of birth:

August 2, 1894

How old was Westbrook Pegler when died?


Where was Westbrook Pegler born?

Minneapolis, Minnesota

When did Westbrook Pegler die?

June 24, 1969

Where did Westbrook Pegler die?

Tucson, Arizona

Why did Westbrook Pegler die?


Is Westbrook Pegler gay or straight?


What is Westbrook Pegler's ethnicity?


What is Westbrook Pegler nationality?


What is Westbrook Pegler's occupation?

syndicated newspaper columnist

Westbrook Pegler claim to fame:

Madison Sq. Garden (1932)

Short Biography

Francis James Westbrook Pegler (August 2, 1894 – June 24, 1969) was an American journalist and writer. He was a popular columnist in the 1930s and 1940s famed for his opposition to the New Deal and labor unions. Pegler criticized every president from Herbert Hoover to FDR ("moosejaw") to Harry Truman ("a thin-lipped hater") to John F. Kennedy. He also criticized the Supreme Court, the tax system, and labor unions. In 1962, he lost his contract with King Features Syndicate, owned by the Hearst Corporation, after he started criticizing Hearst executives. His late writing appeared sporadically in publications that included the John Birch Society's American Opinion.