What is Will Blakelee's full name?
Will Blakelee
Where was Will Blakelee born?
United States
Will Blakelee body shape:
What color are Will Blakelee's eyes?
What color is Will Blakelee's hair?
Will Blakelee distinctive features:
Is Will Blakelee gay or straight?
What is Will Blakelee's ethnicity?
What is Will Blakelee nationality?
Will Blakelee claim to fame:
The Last Song
Who is Will Blakelee's father?
Tom Blakelee
Will Blakelee sister(s):
Megan Blakelee
Short Biography
Will is an attractive volleyball player who comes from a rich family. He grew up in a big house having everything he could ever want. Well everyone thought. Later in the film as more about his character is revealed, we find out that he's missing something that money could never replace. Ronnie happens to run into him on the beach one day. Although all of the girls are crazy about him, Ronnie isn't interested at all. Will tries everything he can to get her and after a while she gives in.