Win Ng date of birth:

April 13, 1936

How old was Win Ng when died?


Where was Win Ng born?

Chinatown, San Francisco, United States

When did Win Ng die?

September 7, 1991

Where did Win Ng die?

San Francisco, California, USA

Is Win Ng gay or straight?


What is Win Ng's ethnicity?


What is Win Ng nationality?


Where did Win Ng go to university?

San Francisco State University , City College of San Francisco

What is Win Ng's occupation?

Sculptor, industrial designer, illustrator

Win Ng claim to fame:

co-founder of the handmades department store Taylor & Ng

Short Biography

Win Ng (April 13, 1936 - September 6, 1991) was a Chinese American sculptor, industrial designer and illustrator. He is best known as the co-founder of the groundbreaking San Francisco based handmades department store Taylor & Ng.