What is Yukiko Nakae's full name?


Yukiko Nakae nickname(s):

Yuki Nakae, 中江ゆきこ, 中江友紀, Nakae Yukiko

Yukiko Nakae date of birth:

January 24, 1978

How old is Yukiko Nakae?


Where was Yukiko Nakae born?

Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

Yukiko Nakae body shape:


What color are Yukiko Nakae's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Yukiko Nakae's hair?

Brown - Dark

What is Yukiko Nakae's ethnicity?


What is Yukiko Nakae nationality?


What is Yukiko Nakae's occupation?

Actress, dancer

Yukiko Nakae claim to fame:

Shin kaguya shima densetsu (2004).

Short Biography

Yukiko Nakae (中江ゆきこ; real name "中江友木子"), now known as Yuki Nakae (中江友紀), born January 24, 1978, was the seventh actress to play Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto in the Sailor Moon musicals. Her only musical was Shin Kaguya Shima Densetsu in 2004. Yukiko has released at least one idol DVD. She has also been in various TV shows and commercials, and made appearances in the musicals My Fair Lady and Annie.