Jean Joseph Carriès date of birth:

February 15, 1855

How old was Jean Joseph Carriès when died?


Where was Jean Joseph Carriès born?

Lyon, France

When did Jean Joseph Carriès die?

July 1, 1894

Where did Jean Joseph Carriès die?

Paris, France

Why did Jean Joseph Carriès die?

Pleurisy (also known as pleuritis)

Jean Joseph Carriès body shape:


What color are Jean Joseph Carriès's eyes?


What color is Jean Joseph Carriès's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Jean Joseph Carriès gay or straight?


What is Jean Joseph Carriès's ethnicity?


What is Jean Joseph Carriès nationality?


What is Jean Joseph Carriès's occupation?

Sculptor, ceramist, miniaturist

Short Biography

Jean-Joseph Marie Carriès (February 15, 1855 – July 1, 1894) was a French sculptor, ceramist, and miniaturist. Born in Lyon, Carriès was orphaned at age six and was raised in a Roman Catholic orphanage. He apprenticed with a local sculptor then in 1874 moved to Paris to study at the École des Beaux-Arts under Augustin-Alexandre Dumont. He first showed at the Paris Salon of 1875 and gained considerable recognition for his sculpted busts at the Paris Salons of 1879 and 1881. However, after seeing an exhibition of Japanese works at the 1878 World's Fair in Paris, he began to devote himself to the creation of polychrome Horror Masks.