Adam F date of birth:

February 8, 1972

How old is Adam F?


Where was Adam F born?

Liverpool, England

Adam F body shape:


What color are Adam F's eyes?


What color is Adam F's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Adam F gay or straight?


What religion is Adam F?

Anglican / Episcopalian

What is Adam F's ethnicity?


What is Adam F nationality?


What is Adam F's occupation?

Producer, dj

What genre is Adam F's work?

Electronica, Drum and bass, Hip-Hop music, drum and bass, hip hop, big beat

What instruments does Adam F play?


Short Biography

Adam F or Adam Fenton (born 8 February 1972, Liverpool, England) is an English producer and DJ who has worked across various genres. He is also the co-founder of the prominent drum and bass label Breakbeat Kaos along with DJ Fresh.