Al Goldstein date of birth:

January 10, 1936

How old was Al Goldstein when died?


Where was Al Goldstein born?

Brooklyn, New York, USA

When did Al Goldstein die?

December 19, 2013

What color is Al Goldstein's hair?


What religion is Al Goldstein?


What is Al Goldstein's ethnicity?


What is Al Goldstein nationality?


Where did Al Goldstein go to school?

Boys High School, Brooklyn, NY

Where did Al Goldstein go to university?

Pace University

What is Al Goldstein's occupation?


Al Goldstein claim to fame:

founder of Screw Magazine

Short Biography

Alvin "Al" Goldstein (January 10, 1936 – December 19, 2013) was an American pornographer. He was described as "a cartoonishly vituperative amalgam of borscht belt comic, free-range social critic and sex-obsessed loser who seemed to embody a moment in New York City’s cultural history: the sleaze and decay of Times Square in the 1960s and ‘70s." Another writer called him "a hairy, sweaty, cigar-chomping, eczema-ridden fatso". He claimed to have had 7, 000 sexual partners.