Albert Brülls date of birth:

March 26, 1937

How old was Albert Brülls when died?


Where was Albert Brülls born?

Anrath, Germany

When did Albert Brülls die?

March 28, 2004

Where did Albert Brülls die?

Neuss, Germany

How tall is Albert Brülls?

5' 6" (168 cm)

Albert Brülls body shape:


What color are Albert Brülls's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Albert Brülls's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Albert Brülls gay or straight?


What is Albert Brülls's ethnicity?


What is Albert Brülls nationality?


What is Albert Brülls's occupation?

Football player

Short Biography

Albert Brülls (26 March 1937, Anrath – 28 March 2004, Neuss) was a German footballer who played 25 times for his national side, including matches in both the 1962 and 1966 FIFA World Cups.