Alexander Yagubkin date of birth:

March 25, 1961

How old was Alexander Yagubkin when died?


Where was Alexander Yagubkin born?

Donetsk, Ukraine

When did Alexander Yagubkin die?

August 7, 2013

Where did Alexander Yagubkin die?

Donetsk, Ukraine

Alexander Yagubkin body shape:


What color are Alexander Yagubkin's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Alexander Yagubkin's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Alexander Yagubkin gay or straight?


What is Alexander Yagubkin's ethnicity?


What is Alexander Yagubkin nationality?


What is Alexander Yagubkin's occupation?


Alexander Yagubkin claim to fame:

won a gold medal at the 1982 World Amateur Boxing Championships and was honoured as a Master of Sports of the USSR.

Short Biography

Alexander G. Yagubkin (25 March 1961 in Donetsk, Ukrainian SSR – 7 August 2013) was an amateur boxer, who won a gold medal at the 1982 World Amateur Boxing Championships and was honoured as a Master of Sports of the USSR.