Andrew Toti date of birth:

July 24, 1915

How old was Andrew Toti when died?


Where was Andrew Toti born?

Visalia, California, USA

When did Andrew Toti die?

March 20, 2005

Andrew Toti body shape:


What color is Andrew Toti's hair?

Salt and Pepper

What is Andrew Toti nationality?


What is Andrew Toti's occupation?


Andrew Toti claim to fame:

Tro-Pic-Kal Manufacturing Company

Short Biography

Andrew J. Toti (24 July 1915 – 20 March 2005) was a world-renowned American inventor. Toti was born in Visalia, California, and died in Modesto, California. He held more than 500 U.S. patents at the time of his death. Toti was honored by the Edison Society in 1995.