Ênio Gonçalves date of birth:

August 28, 1943

How old was Ênio Gonçalves when died?


Where was Ênio Gonçalves born?

Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

When did Ênio Gonçalves die?

October 5, 2013

Where did Ênio Gonçalves die?

Sao Paulo City, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Why did Ênio Gonçalves die?

Renal Failure

Ênio Gonçalves body shape:


What color are Ênio Gonçalves's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Ênio Gonçalves's hair?


What is Ênio Gonçalves's ethnicity?


What is Ênio Gonçalves nationality?


What is Ênio Gonçalves's occupation?

Actor, director, journalist

Ênio Gonçalves claim to fame:

played in over 40 films, starred in 20 novels and 50 plays

Short Biography

Born in August 28, 1938 in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul , Ernie majored in journalism and worked in over 40 films, starred in 20 novels and 50 plays .He studied film directing at the Experimental Center of Cinematography in Rome, Italy, and premiered at the theater in "All Nudity Shall Be Punished" , under the direction of Ziembinski. He wrote more than 20 plays, among them "Peter and Domitilla", "Dog!", "Until the Ears" and made adaptations of literary works such as "Soroco, His Mother , Her Daughter", Guimarães Rosa, and "Sonata" by Erico Verissimo.Among the films of your resume are "Insanity Movie" (1985), "Angels Arrabalde" (1987) and "Girls ABC" (2004) - the latter of Carlos Reichenbach, with whom he won the trophy for best actor Candango Festival of Brasilia in 2003 . Also received two awards at the Rio Cine Festival, as the protagonist of the film "Dementia Movie" and the short film "Walking With Robert Taylor".Appeared on TV in "Stone On Stone" and "Pages of Life" , Globo TV, but also acted in Bandeirantes and Culture, and the extinct Tupi and Headline. He directed plays as the show "Dog!" Shell Prize nominee in 2000 .