Boris Gryzlov date of birth:

December 15, 1950

How old is Boris Gryzlov?


Where was Boris Gryzlov born?

Vladivostok, Russia

Boris Gryzlov body shape:


What color are Boris Gryzlov's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Boris Gryzlov's hair?


Is Boris Gryzlov gay or straight?


What is Boris Gryzlov's ethnicity?


What is Boris Gryzlov nationality?


What is Boris Gryzlov's occupation?


Boris Gryzlov claim to fame:

was the Speaker of Russia's State Duma

Short Biography

Boris Vyacheslavovich Gryzlov (also spelled Grizlov; Russian: Борис Вячеславович Грызлов, ) (born December 15, 1950), is a Russian politician and was the Speaker of Russia's State Duma (the lower house of parliament) from 29 December 2003 to 14 December 2011. He is one of the leaders of the largest Russian political party, United Russia. Boris Gryzlov is a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.