What is Conrad Hilton's full name?

Conrad Nicholson Hilton

Conrad Hilton date of birth:

December 25, 1887

How old was Conrad Hilton when died?


Where was Conrad Hilton born?

Socorro County, New Mexico

When did Conrad Hilton die?

January 3, 1979

Where did Conrad Hilton die?

Santa Monica, CA

Why did Conrad Hilton die?


Conrad Hilton body shape:


What color are Conrad Hilton's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Conrad Hilton's hair?

Salt and Pepper

Is Conrad Hilton gay or straight?


What religion is Conrad Hilton?

Roman Catholic

What is Conrad Hilton's ethnicity?


What is Conrad Hilton nationality?


Where did Conrad Hilton go to school?

New Mexico Military Institute

Where did Conrad Hilton go to university?

St. Michael's College (now Santa Fe University of Art and Design), New Mexico School of Mines (now New Mexico Tech)

What is Conrad Hilton's occupation?


Conrad Hilton claim to fame:

Founder of Hilton Hotels

Who is Conrad Hilton's father?

Augustus Halvorson "Gus" Hilton

Who is Conrad Hilton's mother?

Mary Genevieve Laufersweiler

Conrad Hilton brother(s):

Carl H. Hilton, Julian Hilton, August H. HIlton

Conrad Hilton sister(s):

Felice A. Hilton, Eva C. Hilton, Rosemary J. Hilton, Helen A. Hilton

Conrad Hilton friends:

Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Hedda Hopper, Ernest Hemingway

Who has Conrad Hilton worked with?

Linda Cristal

Conrad Hilton favorite place(s)?

Hilton Hotel

Short Biography

Conrad Nicholson Hilton (December 25, 1887 – January 3, 1979) was an American hotelier and the founder of the Hilton Hotels chain.