What is Dallen Bounds's full name?
Dallen Forrest Bounds
Dallen Bounds date of birth:
August 9, 1971
How old was Dallen Bounds when died?
Where was Dallen Bounds born?
Ashland, Oregon
When did Dallen Bounds die?
December 23, 1999
Why did Dallen Bounds die?
Ballistic Trauma
Is Dallen Bounds gay or straight?
What religion is Dallen Bounds?
What is Dallen Bounds's ethnicity?
What is Dallen Bounds nationality?
What is Dallen Bounds's occupation?
Who is Dallen Bounds's father?
Dallen Terry Bounds
Who is Dallen Bounds's mother?
Sharon Lee Forrest Bounds
Short Biography
Dallen Forrest Bounds (August 9, 1971 – December 23, 1999) was an American serial killer. After killing two acquaintances, he barricaded himself with two women and ultimately committed suicide. Law enforcement officers have closed four murders in the Greenville and Pickens counties of South Carolina, and officials in the state of Washington suspect he was involved in several other murders.