What is Dave LaRoche's middle name?


What is Dave LaRoche's full name?

David Eugene LaRoche

Dave LaRoche date of birth:

May 14, 1948

How old is Dave LaRoche?


Where was Dave LaRoche born?

Colorado Springs, CO

How tall is Dave LaRoche?

6' 2" (188 cm)

How much does Dave LaRoche weigh?

200 lbs (90.7 kg)

What is Dave LaRoche nationality?


Where did Dave LaRoche go to school?

West Torrance (Torrance, CA)

Where did Dave LaRoche go to university?

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

What is Dave LaRoche's occupation?

Former Major League Baseball Player

Short Biography

David Eugene LaRoche (born May 14, 1948) is a former Major League Baseball pitcher. LaRoche is the pitching coach for the New York Mets' short-season affiliate, the Brooklyn Cyclones.