What is Edmund Lowe's full name?

Edmund Dantes Lowe

Edmund Lowe date of birth:

March 3, 1890

How old was Edmund Lowe when died?


Where was Edmund Lowe born?

San Jose, California

When did Edmund Lowe die?

April 21, 1971

Where did Edmund Lowe die?

Woodland Hills, California

Why did Edmund Lowe die?

lung cancer

How tall is Edmund Lowe?

6' (183 cm)

Edmund Lowe body shape:


What color is Edmund Lowe's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Edmund Lowe gay or straight?


What is Edmund Lowe's ethnicity?


What is Edmund Lowe nationality?


Where did Edmund Lowe go to university?

Santa Clara University

What is Edmund Lowe's occupation?


Edmund Lowe claim to fame:

What Price Glory?

Short Biography

Edmund Dantes Lowe (March 3, 1890 – April 21, 1971) was an American actor. His formative experience began in vaudeville and silent film. He was born in San Jose, California. His father was a local judge. His childhood home was at 314 North 1st Street, San Jose. He attended Santa Clara College and entertained the idea of becoming a priest before starting his acting career. He died in Woodland Hills, California of lung cancer.