Eric Bloom date of birth:

December 1, 1944

How old is Eric Bloom?


Where was Eric Bloom born?

New York City, New York, USA

How tall is Eric Bloom?

5' 6½" (169 cm)

Eric Bloom body shape:


What color is Eric Bloom's hair?

Brown - Dark

What religion is Eric Bloom?


What is Eric Bloom's ethnicity?


What is Eric Bloom nationality?


What is Eric Bloom's occupation?


Eric Bloom claim to fame:

Blue Öyster Cult

What genre is Eric Bloom's work?

Hard rock, heavy metal, psychedelic rock

What instruments does Eric Bloom play?

Vocals, guitar, keyboards, percussion

Short Biography

Eric Bloom (born December 1, 1944) is an American singer, songwriter and musician. He is best known as the main vocalist, and "stun guitar" for the long-running band Blue Öyster Cult, with work on over 20 albums. Much of his lyrical content relates to his lifelong interest in science fiction.