What is Felipe Nasr's middle name?


What is Felipe Nasr's full name?

Luíz Felipe de Oliveira Nasr

Felipe Nasr date of birth:

August 21, 1992

How old is Felipe Nasr?


Where was Felipe Nasr born?

Brasilia, DF

Felipe Nasr body shape:


What color are Felipe Nasr's eyes?

Brown - Light

What color is Felipe Nasr's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Felipe Nasr gay or straight?


What is Felipe Nasr's ethnicity?


What is Felipe Nasr nationality?


What is Felipe Nasr's occupation?

Racing driver

Felipe Nasr claim to fame:

Formula BMW Europe and British Formula Three champion

Short Biography

Luiz Felipe de Oliveira Nasr (born 21 August 1992) is a Brazilian racing driver. He was the 2009 Formula BMW Europe champion and the 2011 British Formula 3 champion.