What is Flo Mounier's full name?

Florent Mounier

Flo Mounier date of birth:

June 29, 1974

How old is Flo Mounier?


Where was Flo Mounier born?

Soyaux, France

Flo Mounier body shape:


What color are Flo Mounier's eyes?

Brown - Light

What color is Flo Mounier's hair?

Brown - Light

What is Flo Mounier's ethnicity?


What is Flo Mounier nationality?


What is Flo Mounier's occupation?


Flo Mounier claim to fame:


Short Biography

Flo Mounier is the drummer of metal band Cryptopsy. He has toured Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia and the United States as a headlining act over the last 24 years, and combined record sales have reached over 300, 000 copies to date. He is highly recognized within the metal scene, not only as a member of Cryptopsy, but also as a professional drummer and clinician. He is sponsored by Pearl Drums, Sabian, Vic Firth, Evans Drumheads, Shure (Canada) and Billdidit.