What is Gabriel Donoso's full name?
Gabriel Donoso Rosselot
Gabriel Donoso date of birth:
June 28, 1960
How old was Gabriel Donoso when died?
Where was Gabriel Donoso born?
When did Gabriel Donoso die?
November 10, 2006
Where did Gabriel Donoso die?
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Gabriel Donoso body shape:
What color is Gabriel Donoso's hair?
Brown - Dark
Is Gabriel Donoso gay or straight?
What is Gabriel Donoso's ethnicity?
What is Gabriel Donoso nationality?
What is Gabriel Donoso's occupation?
Polo Player
Gabriel Donoso claim to fame:
Considered one of the all time best Chilean polo players
Short Biography
Gabriel Donoso Rosselot (28 June 1960–10 November 2006) was a Chilean polo player, considered one of Chile's best polo players of all time. He was the only Chilean polo player to ever reach 9-goals in handicap.. He was born in Santiago, Chile.