What is Gertrud Scholtz Klink's full name?

Gertrud Treusch

Gertrud Scholtz Klink date of birth:

February 9, 1902

How old was Gertrud Scholtz Klink when died?


Where was Gertrud Scholtz Klink born?

Aelsheim, Germany

When did Gertrud Scholtz Klink die?

March 24, 1999

Where did Gertrud Scholtz Klink die?

Bebenhausen, Germany

Why did Gertrud Scholtz Klink die?

Natural Causes

How tall is Gertrud Scholtz Klink?

5' 9" (175 cm)

Gertrud Scholtz Klink body shape:


What color are Gertrud Scholtz Klink's eyes?


What color is Gertrud Scholtz Klink's hair?

Brown - Light

Is Gertrud Scholtz Klink gay or straight?


What religion is Gertrud Scholtz Klink?


What is Gertrud Scholtz Klink's ethnicity?


What is Gertrud Scholtz Klink nationality?


What is Gertrud Scholtz Klink's occupation?

Leader of the National Socialist Women's League

Short Biography

Gertrud Scholtz-Klink later known as Maria Stuckebrock (9 February 1902 – 24 March 1999) was a fervent Nazi Party (NSDAP) member and leader of the National Socialist Women's League (NS-Frauenschaft) in Nazi Germany.