Katie Armiger date of birth:

June 23, 1991

How old is Katie Armiger?


Where was Katie Armiger born?

Sugar Land, Texas, USA

Katie Armiger body shape:


What color is Katie Armiger's hair?

Brown - Dark

What is Katie Armiger's ethnicity?


What is Katie Armiger nationality?


What is Katie Armiger's occupation?

Country singer

Katie Armiger claim to fame:

Confessions of a Nice Girl

What genre is Katie Armiger's work?


What instruments does Katie Armiger play?

Guitar, vocals

Short Biography

Kaitlyn Michelle "Katie" Armiger (born June 23, 1991) is a country artist from Sugar Land, Texas. She was first inspired to pursue country music after winning a Houston, Texas city-wide competition for young country singers. To date, Armiger has released four albums for Cold River Records and has charted five singles on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart.