What is Kaye Darveniza's middle name?


What is Kaye Darveniza's full name?

Kaye Mary Darveniza

Kaye Darveniza date of birth:

February 15, 1955

How old is Kaye Darveniza?


Where was Kaye Darveniza born?

Mooroopna, Victoria

What is Kaye Darveniza nationality?


Where did Kaye Darveniza go to school?

Star of the Sea College

What is Kaye Darveniza's occupation?


Kaye Darveniza claim to fame:

Legislative Council

Short Biography

Kaye Mary Darveniza (born 15 February 1955) is an Australian politician. She was an Australian Labor Party member of the Victorian Legislative Council from 1999 to 2014, first representing Melbourne West Province. In the 2006 Victoria State election, she transferred to the Northern Victoria Region and was re-elected.